Changelog Eclipse IfisPfdEis - Flybox Innovative Avionics

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7.18M Changed FP sensor type selection items from NO/YES to NO/4Bar/1Bar, Added VDO probe in sensor type CHT and OILT.

7.12M Addedd: Backup/Restore of "Fuel Level" calibrations.

7.11M  No external changes from previous version.

7.10M  Added: Autopilot support for the FX75 digital servo.

7.02M  Minor fix, no external changes from previous version.

6.01M  Fix: various fix on "PFD" model.

6.00M  Fix: "Warm-up" and "Flight time" on datalogger.
5.99M  No external changes from previous version.

5.98M  Added: datalogger file format save selection (CSV or FBX)

5.96M  Added: Jabiru sensors selection for oil pressure and oil temperature.
5.95M  Changed: EGT and CHT sensors selection menu.

5.94M  Minor fix, no external changes from previous version.

5.93M  Minor fix, no external changes from previous version.

5.92M  Added: Altitude output on serial port
5.91M  Fix: various fix on "PFD" model.

5.90M  Changed: parameters labels "V1,V2,V3,V4,V5" to "Vs0,Vs,Vfe,Vno,Vne".

5.89M  Minor fix, no external changes from previous version.

5.88M  No external changes from previous version.
5.83M  Fix: various fix on autopilot function.

5.80M  Added: Autopilot on pitch.

5.70M  Fix: Min/Max peak memory.

5.62M  Added: baud rate selection for "Ext. GPS for reserve indication".

5.58M  Minor fix, no external changes from previous version.

5.57M  Minor fix, no external changes from previous version.

5.56M  Added: Autopilot on "NAV" mode.

5.29M  No external changes from previous version.

5.27M  Minor fix, no external changes from previous version.

5.25M  Vocal alert "Warm-Up completed" now activated only one time.
5.24M  Added: datalogger new KML format for google earth.

5.21M  Fix: various fix.
5.15M  Added: roll adjust parameter

5.10M  Added: Wind direction indicator

5.00M  Added: data logger functionality.

4.93M  No external changes from previous version.

4.87M  Minor fix, no external changes from previous version.

4.86M  Changed: better looking tape indicators for altitude and ASI.

4.83M  Minor fix, no external changes from previous version.

4.82M  Chaged: horizon indicator color from red to yellow.

4.79M  Added: turn rate indicator.
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